Speech-Language Therapy

Speech-language therapy involves the SLP treating the child or adult with communication difficulties. The SLP works on these difficult areas by developing a treatment plan based upon the individual's strengths and pre-existing skills, and determining what needs to be accomplished (treatment outcomes). For children, speech-language therapy may involve developing language, improving articulation or phonology, strengthening oral motor skills, or improving fluency. For adults, speech-language therapy may focus on these same areas in addition to improving oral motor muscle tone, motor planning skills, or retraining previously acquired skills. Treatment plan objectives, often referred to as "goals" are discussed with the patient or the family member in advance of the initiation of the program. Goals are periodically modified based upon the progress the client demonstrates, over time. Additionally, if a therapeutic approach is not totally successful, regular monitoring of procedures and tasks used in therapy enables the patient and therapist to "change" the goals to accomplish new treatment outcomes.

Professionally written narrative reports document the purposes and results of therapy and are an essential component of patient care.

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Copyright © 1997 North Shore Speech-Language Associates
Last modified: July 10, 1997